Consultant Recruitment
A RESEARCH CONSULTANT URGENTLY NEEDED The Ghana NCD Alliance is hiring the service of a consultant to conduct a situational analysis/study of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) to provide a holistic assessment of how NCDs are prioritized within the NHIS and its implementation progress as far as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are concerned. Background According […]

Theme: Investing in NCD service delivery at primary health care level to achieve Universal Health Coverage. This year marks the fifth in a series of “National High-Level Meetings on NCDs” organised by GhNCDA to elevate the NCD challenge for national visibility and response. This year GhNCDA is collaborating with PHSAG with funding from Deutsche Gesellschaft […]
Govt told not to neglect non-communicable diseases in Covid-19 fight

The Ghana Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance (GhNCDA) has told government not to neglect persons living with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the country in its fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The call on government comes in the wake of observed restrictions and disruptions in medical care delivery to persons suffering NCDs such as stroke, cancer, diabetes, respiratory […]
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