Dissemination Meeting on Micro Status of NCD Landscape in Ghana
Together we can reduce the burden on ncds
Accelerating action on NCDs to promote health, protect rights and save lives
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) include chronic conditions like cancers, cardiovascular disease, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, and mental health and neurological disorders among many others. They are unified by the cross-cutting nature of common risk factors including unhealthy diets, alcohol, tobacco use, physical inactivity and air pollution – and shared health system solutions to tackle NCDs.
The financial burden of NCDs is immense, and the financial investment to alleviate this burden on patients, families and carers is comparatively small. WHO's 'Best Buys' offer options that provide not only financial return on investment, but also health and social benefits.
Financing NCDs
NCDs (non communicable diseases) are the #1 cause of death and disability worldwide, and impose years of disability on those affected and their families. NCDs are a significant threat to achieving internationally agreed development goals.
NCDs and Sustainable Development
Many NCDs can be prevented by addressing diet, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use and making the places we live into health enabling environments
Risk Factors and Prevention
Lack of access and high cost of care, essential medicines and technologies increases morbidity and mortality, and can force people and families into poverty due to disability and out-of-pocket expenses.
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a system where everyone, everywhere has access to high-quality health care services that they need and without facing financial hardship. At least half the world's population is currently without comprehensive coverage of essential health services.
Universal Health Coverage